Monkey Punch Dinosaur!

100 pictures of monkeys punching dinosaurs.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


And the stripey, booted, bipedal mezosaur goes down! BAM!
Thanks, Anthony Woodward!

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  • At 11:52 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Disgusting. I hope your reading this Adam. Your hideous blog goes against everything my blog- -stands for. I have recently posted a mission statement about demanding an apology. Please ignore the whole destroy you thing, that was just for show. Still, if you will, post an apology comment to my post titled "The Enemy", posted on August 24th, 2008. I will then dismantle all anti-monkey punch dinosaur propaganda, thus restoring your good name. Please, I beg you, this must be done.

  • At 11:54 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Disgusting. I hope your reading this Adam. Your hideous blog goes against everything my blog- -stands for. I have recently posted a mission statement about demanding an apology. Please ignore the whole destroy you thing, that was just for show. Still, if you will, post an apology comment to my post titled "The Enemy", posted on August 24th, 2008. I will then dismantle all anti-monkey punch dinosaur propaganda, thus restoring your good name. Please, I beg you, this must be done.

  • At 3:19 pm, Blogger Adam said…

    Dear anonymous,

    Your cowardly attack upon this blog on your own blog will not sway us from our stated goal of publishing 100 pictures of monkeys punching dinosaurs. We believe that the internet was made with just such a thing in mind, and therefore it is nothing short of our holy destiny, your petty attempts to thwart us, notwithstanding, to achieve this goal.

    ps - That's not Jackie Chan punching a monkey, that's Jackie Chan being the voice of a monkey that punches. We win again.

  • At 3:31 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You win this round. I'll be back.

  • At 5:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't really like your blogs color. I think you should change to brown or black or something.

  • At 12:47 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I agree with Sally1932. I really dislike the color of this blog.

  • At 7:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    thwart sounds like an ugly face blemish!!!

    PS - the pink burns my eyes

  • At 8:16 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 8:53 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    honestly, change the color.

  • At 8:34 am, Anonymous timothy said…

    hey adam! i like punch the monkey. you should really leave that apology. so then we can all be friends. you both are cool though. and a good fight is always cool too!


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